Returning with a passion and today we have someone who has a lot of influence on someone is making a lot of beginners higher in this field, and someone who has been known as Jitu. Jitendra Vaswani(Jitu), CEO & Founder of
He is a Professional Blogger from Jaipur, Rajasthan. He has a Dream that He always writes on his blog. Now see what conservation we have done today.

Interview wih Jitendra Vaswani
Introduce About Yourself and Your Blog in a Short Note?
Hi , I am Jitendra Vaswani from Noida. By profession I am Internet Marketer & blogger. I am into this field from 3 years. I find online marketing challenging field as compared to other streams.
I run blog:
When You Started Blogging and Why You Started It?
I started blogging in August 2013. I started blogging due to my passion to run a blog. I was running a free WordPress domain blog earlier in 2012, but then in 2013 I decided to buy a domain, and then I choose bloggers ideas.
My good friend Ankit Singla told me blogging is a good niche and you can make a lot of money from it. As I was having good experience in SEO, so he told me to go for blogging. So that is how my blogging journey started and I realize blogging is a creative niche where bloggers need to strategize everything in order to get success.
Share Some Strategies You are Applying on Your Blog?
Strategies I am using for my blog are sharing the content on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, stumble upon , Reddit & also various social media communities like bizsugar, blokube, kingged, blogengage, dosplash & many other communities. So this helps in increasing traffic on my blog.
So I would recommend newbies to be highly active on social media channels.
Tell Us About Your Blog Zopper What Type of Blog it is?
Zopper blog is owned by Solvy Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd. I am working at zopper as an SEO Specialist & Social Media Strategist.
I am handling all the blogging activities on zopper blog. I decide what type of content should go on zopper blog. Because content is very important.
Through zopper blog we try to promote zopper main website & app pages. Through the blog, we are making a good number of backlinks and also diverting traffic to
Who is Your Mentor in Blogging Career?
When I started blogging I started reading blogs like searchengineland,seroundtable, searchenginewatch,quicksprout & many other blogs. I keep learning new things in blogging. I cannot name any mentor but I have learnt lot of things from all probloggers.
Can You Share Your Monthly Income Report with Us?
Currently I don’t share my income report to my readers, because I am not ProBlogger. I am still a beginner in blogging. I still have to learn a lot of things in blogging. So I hope this answer satisfies the question.
See this article : Sponsored Reviews:Earn Money by Writing Honest Reviews
How Do You Think About a Title of An Article?
Before deciding title of any article, I see at that the article title contain important keyword in it or not.
Sometimes keyword don’t matter in title . You should write the title in a way that readers should click on your headlines.
Headlines are a very important part of the content. If your headline is uninteresting then readers will not click on it. So always make sure that the article is very enticing.
I use 3 tools for preparing article titles
- Tweakyourbiz
- Hubspot title Generator
- Portent Title maker
These tools helps me to choose good title of an article and also give many suggestions related to it.
Where Do You Promote Your Blog Articles?
I promote my blog articles on social media channels like fb,twitter, g+ & other social media communities I have shared above.
To get good traffic on your blog article do blog commenting, forum commenting and share your best with your email subscribers. This will help you to drive lot of traffic.
Share Some Tips to Increase Blog Traffic?
I have shared these tips in above questions. Just keep sharing your blog on specific blogs this will in turn will increase your blog traffic.
- Do guest blogging,
- share infographics on your websites
- Do blog commenting & forum commenting on your niche blogs.
- Have high quality content on your blog
- Have good images & include videos in your articles.
- Have social media sharing buttons on posts.
- Have comment section on your blog posts.
- Read this guide for Reddit Traffic. Reddit is best resource for generating tons of traffic to blogs.
Link : All You Need to Know About How to Get Massive Traffic from Reddit
How Much You Like My Blog?
Your blog is neat & clean, I really like the design of your blog. Try to optimize the right sidebar of your blog. Have some engaging subscription boxes, social media pages, show relevant ads on the sidebar.
Also try to design your footer of blog. You can have some good website section in the footer.
So keep reading and keep growing. I am sure bloggers who are continuously learning will grow at faster pace.
Your readers can be follow me on social media channels : Facebook, Twitter
JItendra is very bright and foresighted guy. It’s good to know more about his journey and this guy would do wonders.
Harsh, thanks for your comment. Share it also of you like it.
Nice Bro I Mean Interview Today I Got To Know About Him
Your Most welcome. Let me share this article too.
Thanks a lot Akshit for interviewing me on your blog. It was pleasure to be published here. I hope your readers will get benefit from this interview.